product photographer

Diana França Designs by Casey Richardson

Diana Franco Designs - Handmade Italian Handbags. 

Florence, Italy.  I'm two floors up in the Academia Riaci with Diana Franco. Sunlight falls in through the window from the courtyard in a way that would remind Vermeer of home. The bustling streets full of tourists, vendors and the occasional Florentino are silenced and all you can hear is Diana and I chatting as she works. 

Diana, a Brazilian native, when not learning the world-renown Florentine leatherworking arts, calls Utah home where she designs handbags. A smiling and carefree woman, she eyes the patterns laid out on the leather before tracing and cutting. My camera and I study the scene, noting the confidence and steadiness of one who has certainly done this before. She moves from step to step, explaining the process as she does so in between questions from me like the current price of a hide of leather. 

The pattern is first traced onto the hide before being cut by hand. A liner and the outer leather must be cut exactly the same. Glued together, then sewn by hand on the, Diana is quite proud to say, state-of-the-art industrial sewing machine, the edges are then cut and filed to perfectly match before being painted with a rubber paint to give it a nice edge. She does this all effortlessly and with the touch of a master. I am still wondering how it went from a piece of leather to a beautiful bag - I'll have to scroll through the images to find the magic later. 

We step outside to take a few lifestyle and product images. Tourists pause as we take a few frames and we wave them through. I swear that Italy has the best light. The Masters knew what they were doing when they painted in Italy. I wish I could take it everywhere with me. We shoot at a few locations - all within a stone's throw of the school. I wish all location changes were this simple. A mirrored window, a café, some greenery and some clean backgrounds for product shots. The shoot ends with focaccia and Fanta. 


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Confessions of a Human Being by Casey Richardson


I've been putting this off for a couple of months now. Sometimes, you just get scared and don't want to put yourself out there. You don't want to actually take the plunge, so you go about it a step or half-step at a time when you should really just go for it full-throttle. Fear. It's a wonderful thing if you never want to achieve anything worthwhile. Not being able to conquer it is a terrible thing when you have ambition, dreams and goals. And I have those, so I'm getting over this. The biggest announcement is that I'm now a full-time freelancer. I quit my job as a studio manager and head photographer for a national sporting goods company about two months ago in order to pursue these goals. I've avoided putting my website up and marketing myself out of feelings of inadequacy, vulnerability and all that fun horrible stuff. It's absolutely ridiculous. The reason why I was able to quit my job is because I am a skilled photographer that companies and individuals value and hire. So, in line with that, I've created a new website (see link below). I will be revealing new sections of it each day this week - through this page and my Instagram account (@explorophile). I've also put together additional projects for others to enjoy and take advantage of. Those will also be unveiled over the course of this week on and through this page. Feedback would be great to hear - you can shoot me a message and I'll be all ears. I hope that you find value in these projects. Heck, I hope you or your company hires me or supports one of my projects (This is not meant to sound pathetic, but bold.) In any case, I've taken the leap and kicked fear, inadequacy and whatnot to the curb. Let's get to work!